We're getting ready for a conversation with our community
Maribyrnong has a strong commitment towards inclusion, equality, and pride in our diverse community, which extends to ensuring all people can age well within our City recognising in 2021, 15.5%, or 13,191 residents were aged 60 years and over.
We ran a series of workshops with residents aged 60 years and over, their families, and carers, during April to explore needs, issues, and experiences related to ageing in Maribyrnong (using the eight drivers for ageing well in the World Health Organisation (WHO) framework).
We had initially planned to broaden the conversation in May/June 2023; but there's a lot to consider, and because we want to make sure everyone who wants to be involved is able to be part of the conversation, we're taking a bit more time to get all our ducks in a row.
It's likely engagement will begin towards the end of this year.
We'll share any updates here. Please click 'Follow' at the top of the page to receive an alert when engagement activities begin.